LITIUM is a cryptocurrency project backed by Finnish lithium mining, operating on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Its value is tied to the growth of Finland’s lithium industry, one of Europe’s largest deposits. LITIUM aims to offer a sustainable and transparent token tied to real-world natural resources.
Token Name: LITIUM/ LIC
Token Address: 0xC40C32f8D8a681955eD6e44E4C0d62CC99c2c0c0
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000 LIC
Token Distribution
Reserved = 600,000,000,000 LIC (60%)
Token for Sale = 400,000,000,000 LIC (40%)
Presale phase 1: 10% of total supply = 100,000,000,000 LIC
Presale phase 2: 10% of total supply = 100,000,000,000 LIC
Airdrop/Bounty/Other marketing contest: 1% of total supply = 10,000,000,000 LIC
Advisors: 1% of total supply = 10,000,000,000
Exchange listing: 18% of total supply= 180,000,000,000 LIC
Token (listing) price= 0.010$
Hard Cap: 3100000000$
Soft Cap (1% of Hard cap) = 31000000$
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