We had a VC at 17:00 UTC in which we felt very good, it was a friendly, funny discussion but we also discussed some serious things about the toxic BSC space, projects in which we were active and which we helped and how has become this environment and how we can help it.
This project became our mission to win the war against the jeets. I think we’ve all experienced the terrible feeling of being rekt lately.
Things discussed :
We have planned a good strategy to succeed in the long term and develop this token through the community. That’s why we extended lock until 1 June !
Mudra Manager
Hold Mudra and enjoy premium features on Mudra utilities. You can buy directly on PancakeSwap. Token Contract Address: 0xd0C1d18f091B182B80f342C654280B9004c0b124 10% tax will be applied on Mudra transactions. Entire tax amount is used to add liquidity for Mudra. Hold value of a wallet may change based on the realtime price of Mudra token.
All those who will donate any amount through /CHADonate will receive, at some point, prizes in $BUSD as a sign of gratitude for the help received. We will use these funds transparently to evolve together !
CHADonate Wallet : 0x3887B8018B14B8Ed1805e188ca130DA41f98f639
Everything we will build over time, we are talking here about graphics, bots, stickers and many more, will be through people in the community, maybe through contests with votes. Wait for future announcements about these events !
The team promised a website at $10,000 Marketcap, as a tribute to the supporting community, but this is happening much faster, because we need things like this to attract more CHADS.
Our VCs, called Chad’s Talk has just become a habit for us and we will set and vote in advance the date and time when we will meet to laugh, talk, tell each other what we think.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you show, I feel that we are already a family that solves things through effective communication, that contributes to common development !
Remember, we all sell at some point, but we do it responsibly without hurting the chart, we take our initials back and some profit maybe and then DCA or let it moon, chads !
------------------------------------- Note that: 1) A listing needs at least 1000 votes within 10 days to avoid being demoted to the Waiting Room. 2) If a listing reaches 2000 votes within 10 days, it will be tagged as a “Strong Community”. 2000 votes also qualifies the project to become one of our partners. You get 12 months of promotion at the cost of only 1 month! Please get your awesome community to vote. Thanks. 🚀🚀🚀 ------------------------------------- Hello readers, this post was created with our nice and easy submission form. Create your post!