- Tittle: Crypto Name : Finaxycoin
- Launch date; : 2021/12/16
- Details about the project/Why is it a good investment? : Finaxycoin will be the first company that will build online shopping on blockchain , where you can purchase and be rewarded by crypto !
- Tokenomics; : Total coin 500.000.000 circulating supply : 200.000.000
- Supply; 500.000.000
- Audited?; in progres
- Doxxed team?;
- Contract Number; 0x674b4282F7e2f969322c311C87D3FF659f150956
- Website; https://finaxycoin.com/
- Twitter; https://twitter.com/finaxycoin
- Telegram; https://t.me/Finaxycoin
- Poocoin; https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x674b4282f7e2f969322c311c87d3ff659f150956
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