Genshin Impact Token, inspired by Elon Musk’s timely tweet, we’ve delivered the amazing vibes of Genshin Impact to the Ethereum Network.
We, as the $GENIM team, strive to make a Play-to-Earn 2D game, as well as a platform that acts much like an NFT marketplace, but is actually a place for artists to commission their work, and get paid more seamlessly. We value fan-art, and most importantly; we value the ARTIST!
Our stealth launch was a mere 9 minutes after the tweet, and we’ve been growing ever since. So, what are you waiting for, traveler?
Genshin Impact token acts as a simple, base governance token for the future utilities that are going to be brought onto the table.
“Can’t wait to be in Genshin Impact” Hottest new Elon tweet on the block, ready to dethrone others of their title!
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
NO hidden dev or marketing wallets!
Contract Address: 0xE8aBfE9a236A375f23E346FC4cdF4a6674e256E6
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