What is GoldBOX?
It is a pool account where a portion of the fee from GoldBOX trading is automatically converted and transferred to BNB. All of the BNBs accumulated in this account will be distributed to the community as a reward. This distribution will be in weekly periods. We will shape the decisions regarding the BNBs accumulated in the pool as a result of the surveys to be held together with the community.
How does GoldenKey work?
A 2% tax is applied to each transaction of GoldenKey tokens. 1% will be added to the liquidity pool, 1% will be transferred to the
WebSite: https://goldenkeytoken.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/goldenkeytoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldenkeytoken
Poocoin: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x69b96fa95cdf95dd61864c4641dcb67229666543
------------------------------------- Note that: 1) A listing needs at least 1000 votes within 10 days to avoid being demoted to the Waiting Room. 2) If a listing reaches 2000 votes within 10 days, it will be tagged as a “Strong Community”. 2000 votes also qualifies the project to become one of our partners. You get 12 months of promotion at the cost of only 1 month! Please get your awesome community to vote. Thanks. 🚀🚀🚀 ------------------------------------- Hello readers, this post was created with our nice and easy submission form. Create your post!