Kishu Inu 2.0
Many 2.0 Projects have been released and have reached millions, Kishu Inu will be like them with 0.5 BNB initial liquidity, the max bag you can hold is 3%, Tax is 10 for buy/sell, 7% for mw and 3% for lp
Kishu Inu 2.0 – LOW TAX
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------------------------------------- Note that: 1) A listing needs at least 1000 votes within 10 days to avoid being demoted to the Waiting Room. 2) If a listing reaches 2000 votes within 10 days, it will be tagged as a “Strong Community”. 2000 votes also qualifies the project to become one of our partners. You get 12 months of promotion at the cost of only 1 month! Please get your awesome community to vote. Thanks. 🚀🚀🚀 ------------------------------------- Hello readers, this post was created with our nice and easy submission form. Create your post!