Life token / LTN
Life Token is a charity orientated token on the BinanceSmartChain. Our aim is to aid Suicide Prevention charities all over the world, to help save lives.The community is active, helpful, and very pleasant to be around.
The goal of this project is to donate to help suicide prevention charities and have one community-driven token, with many partnerships, unique features, and a solid community-chosen roadmap.
Our Tokenomics are quite easy to understand. We have renowned tokenomics: We place a 10% fee on every transaction.
-4% fee from all transactions is put aside and donated to suicide prevention charities bi-weekly.
-1% fee from all transactions is put aside and used for marketing and promotion.
-1% fee is burnt (help increase the price over time)
-4% is redistributed to all the holders (all holders get free tokens!)
How secure is Life Token
Life Token has locked ALL LIQUIDITY POOL (LP) TOKENS on the day of launch. Life Token did not have an airdrop nor a presale so it was a fair launch for all investors.
We’ve been fully audited, and we passed with a perfect score every test. There’s no backdoor, thus any rug is impossible!
Life Token Price prediction
Please don’t confuse the project with the countless meme/moon coins that are built purely for hype. We are building a long-term project with a real purpose which is to save lives.
Some of Life Tokens Achievements To Date
- We have raised millions of dollars for charity
- we have donated to a lot of charities such as:
- $1,000 to Songs of Love Foundation live on our Twitch.
- $1,000 to Crisis Text Line live on our Twitch.
- $1,000 to Jem Foundation.We donate every week on our Twitch.
Life Token Contract
Contact information
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Invest in the Life Token, make money, save lives, make the world better…WIN-WIN-WIN
Life Token will save Lives!
I love me some Life Token!
We need to help save lives!
Be the change you want to see!
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Can you feel the power here<3
You can help save lives with suicide prevention today!
Make that money with life token! And its a good cause.
It’s the best charity project and real.
Saving lives by earning money. Sounds great