
Pedro El Mapache (Pedro)

  • Launch date: 05/01/2034
  • Supply: 1000000000
  • Contract Number: 0x99643952aF5E2552E0b370a4B559575CB423bb5D
  • Chain: Binance Smart Chain (Bep20)
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  •  Description: Pedro El Mapache is more than just a meme token – it’s a movement! With the ambition to be the King of Meme Tokens, Pedro El Mapache aims to revolutionize the crypto world.

 Like Dogecoin, Pedro El Mapache isn’t just about fun – it’s about practicality too! It’s not satisfied with just being a meme; it wants to be your everyday currency!
 Pedro El Mapache’s vision extends beyond memes – it’s about real-world utility! From e-commerce to DeFi, Pedro El Mapache is paving the way for mainstream adoption.
 Join the revolution! Pedro El Mapache combines the best of meme culture with the practicality of a transactional currency. Don’t miss out on the future of crypto! #JoinTheRevolution #PedroPower

Categories:  Doge coin Successor,Meme Token , Meme King 

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