
PetZ Silver Coin

  • Tittle: PetZ Silver Coin
  • Details about the project/Why is it a good investment: PetZ Money is a gamified productivity platform that combines the Pomodoro technique with blockchain technology and GameFi elements. Users focus on tasks in 25-minute intervals, earning in-game currency to nurture a virtual pet as a reward for their productivity. By making the Pomodoro method more engaging and fun, PetZ Money aims to help users stay motivated and achieve their goals. 
  • Launch date: 15 June 2024
  • Audited? If yes, add audit link
  • Doxxed team? If yes, add team page link
  • Tokenomics:
  • Supply: Unlimited
  • Contract Number: none
  • Chain: Aptos
  • Website:
  • Twitter:
  • Telegram:
  • Poocoin:

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