Project Name: RickRoll (ROLL)
Token Name: RickRoll
Symbol: ROLL
Token Address: 0xb25c452aaC7731B3beF1ff9DAF6451036f0Ab6FB
Visit The RickRoll (ROLL) Token Pre-Sale IDO Now!
IDO Start Date: 2023-10-19 03:00:00
IDO End Date: 2025-04-20 03:00:00
Total Token Supply: 100,000,000,000.0
Tokens On Sale: 34,000,000,000.0
Social Links: Twitter (X) / Telegram / Instagram / Discord / Vimeo
Project Description:
Pleasecheck our whitepaper for full project details and tokenomics.
What Is RickRoll (ROLL) Token?
RickRoll (ROLL) Token is a tribute to Rick Astley and his work.Rickrolling is the #1 internet meme in the world and has been aroundsince 2007. The song used in Rickrolling, Rick Astley’s – “NeverGonna Give You Up”, was his debut single in 1987. Since thesongs release, hundreds of millions of people have come to know andlove Rick Astley throughout the world. It is our desire that ourefforts here provide to you, Mr. Rick Astley, another Millennium ofsuccess. We ❤️ you Rick.
RickRoll (ROLL) Token has been developed and designed with theRickrolling & Meme Coin/Token Communities in mind. Our token doesnot require resource intense mining like other well known meme coins(Hey Doge…). Therefore, we as a community project are a GreenEnergy Token and Earth Friendly! Not only are we a Community FocusedGreen Token, we believe in complete transparency, you will not findanything hidden here! RickRoll (ROLL) Token Tokenomics &Distribution speaks for itself. RickRoll (ROLL) Token has a MaximumSupply of 100 Billion Tokens! Making it one of, if not thee, lowestknown token supply meme coin/tokens in existence today. Our goal isto make RickRoll (ROLL) Token the number one meme token in the world!Through our Tokenomics, the token supply will reduce automaticallywith every transaction made, via the Burn & Buyback functions,which were purposely incorporated into the Token by design. The Burn& Buyback functions will constantly add value to all RickRoll(ROLL) Token Holders wallets with every transaction preformed.Forever reducing the available overall supply!
Making RickRoll (ROLL) Token a 100% Hyper-DeflationaryToken Project users will benefit from and enjoy for decades to come!
In Summary: The RickRoll (ROLL) Token,Hyper-Deflationary Model Smart Contract. Automatically rewards alltoken holders, adds liquidity to the trading pool, destroys/burnstokens, buys tokens back, donates to charity and to top it all off.Automatically controls whale attacks against the project via thebuilt-in anti-whale wallet and transaction control mechanicsincorporated within!
These mechanisms ensure that the token supply decreases, leadingto scarcity, with the potential of an increase of overall value overtime. Making RickRoll (ROLL) Token a completely transparent,community focused and fair launch product. A digital currency withstable True Hyper-Deflationary Tokenomics providing sustainablelong-term value.
RickRoll (ROLL) Tokenomics Creates, The Perfect“Hyper-Deflationary Token” Storm!
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