- Tittle: SHIBA IMU
- Launch date: Presale UTC Time 2PM, Tuesday 1 March 2022
- Details about the project/Why is it a good investment: SHIBA IMU – SHIBA – Stands for the SHIBA community and IMU stands for Internet Meta Universe. Shiba IMU will set the basis of Web 3.0. Detailed Roadmap will remain top secret to ensure our continued competitive advantage. Basic overview will allow our holders to understand the intentions of the core development team. SHIBA IMU will develop: ecosystem for Web 3.0, Metaverse search engine and MetAppear Hologram Device that will enable virtual presence anywhere. Future roadmap – Debit Card, NFT etc.
- SHIBA IMU has a solid roadmap which is revolutionary and will change the fabric of Web 3.0. It will give power back into the hands of the consumer.
- Tokenomics; SHIBA IMU is built with token mechanics that only focus on rewarding the holders and investors. With the technology of frictionless staking increasing their token holding while LP boost will be increasing the floor price of these tokens on each transaction.
10% – Tax on all transactions
4% – Will be added to liquidity
2% – Will be Treasury Fund (For Buy – Back and Burn, Centralized Exchange Listing)
2% – Will be Rewards & Advertising
2% – Will be Dev Fund (To be spent on incentives for the team, we will be
burning fuel 24/7)
- Supply; 1,000,000,000,000,000
- Contract Number; 0xab8b2a83d7D14003d4fEa0477c3FD2CE31de110C
- Website; https://www.shibaimu.com/
- Twitter; https://twitter.com/shiba_imu
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