Xcavator (XCA)
Xcavator (XCA) tokens have a limited supply of 51 million tokens. There will not be any lock-in period—our token will be tradable immediately after the purchase. All the revenue from the tokens sold through ICO or through Crypto Exchanges will be used to expand the mining farms and revenue will be generated through mining the most profitable cryptocurrencies.
From the mining revenue, around 50% will be used to buy tokens from the market through various crypto exchanges at the prevailing market prices and they will be burned with proof of burn.
Balance 50% of the mining revenue will be used for the expansion of crypto mining farms which will generate additional mining hashing power, which in the future will further increase our profits. Since 50% of the mining will be used to buy tokens from the market through various crypto exchanges at the prevailing market prices and the tokens will be burned, the total supply of our token will keep decreasing and the demand along with the hashing power per token will keep increasing.
Hence, the price of the token will gradually keep increasing even if there is no price pumping by external factors or investors. The token subscribers will be gaining from the long-term appreciation of the token value due to burning and this process will continue forever while additional mining capacity will be added every month. With majority tokens, when people or traders lose interest the tokens die away as the trading volume & price goes down.
But in our case, we will be injecting real-world revenue from mining farms & will be continuously purchasing tokens from the market & burning so our token price will always be pushed up and our token will never die or fade away.
- Ticker: XCA
- Launch date: 14 January 2022
- Total Supply: 51 Million
- Total Market Cap: 10200000
- Smart Chain Adress: BSC 0xBd20F9B0DbeED33FC4436F0aE7a34eedEFdA2878
- ICO Start Date: 23 March 2022
- ICO End Date: 8 May 2022
- Website: https://xcavator.co
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/XcavatorTweet
- Telegram: https://t.me/XcavatorInternational
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