Zoomies is a meme token on the ethereum network striving to help all pets be able to have those amazingly happy outburst (Zoomies) we all love to see and we created a bot using AI technology that helps you to choose and care for your fury friend.
To use our bot simply add the bot to your telegram group and type /care followed by breed, bot will than give you a description of the dog as well as how to care for your pup.
SUPPLY 1,000,000
TAX: 5/5
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoomieseth
Website: https://zoomieseth.pet
Medium: https://medium.com/@zoomieseth
TG: https://t.me/ZoomiesETH
SWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc6d2700a5286b43a72c04c65764e4c04e856462d
CHAIN: https://etherscan.io/token/0xc6d2700A5286B43A72C04c65764E4C04E856462d
CHART: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x4e3e37862ba3afd34ea7c3ef293771e27a0d0ade
CA: 0xc6d2700a5286b43a72c04c65764e4c04e856462d
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